Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Half-Orcs Done!

I can't believe I started these guys way back in February, long gone are the days of kicking out a unit a week.

I might be alone in this but I don't particularly care for my greenskins to be clones of one another, not only is it a bore to paint but it just doesn't feel natural on greenskins. So feeling the need to explain away their peculiar lack of individuality here goes....
Murdork's Murderin' Mercenaries have recently entered Mordro Valley, flush with victory over the notorious necromancer Edwardo Scheerfingin scourge of of Border Princess.  Hailed as heroes throughout the Border Princess they have left that land intent on bringing justice and freedom to those in need... for a price.

The local Orcs of the Mordro valley are naturally skeptical of these 'damn stinkin halfgrots' story and a bit confused on how they got past the Toll Boof in the first place.  So long as they keep their hands to themselves I suppose they can be tolerated.

Murdork's Murderin' Mercenaries appear to represent a more stable community of half-orcs with less exaggerated and varied features, probably having kept amongst themselves for several generations. Of course that doesn't make them any better or worse as half-orcs.
Naturally the 'story' as they tell it has been embellished quite a bit.  Having backstabbed, bushwhacked and extorted every community in the Border Princess they finally threw their lot in as mercenaries with the local necromancer Edwardo Scheerfingin. Freshly armed and armored to a somewhat consistent standard and puffed with pride they remained true to their nature and deserted. The noose was getting a bit to tight in the Border Princess so they've moved on and eventually manageing to take refuge in Mordro Valley.

 Murdork's Murderin' Mercenaries

Murdork on the left, musician and standard.

A selection of a few of the boys showing off their varied skin tones.



  1. They look great. Interesting faces and I like the variation in skin tone to make them different. What are the figures?

    1. Thanks Sean. They are old Citadel Half Orcs "Mudat's Mercenary Half-Orc Maniacs" with a few pre-slotta Grom's Goblin Guard mixed in.

  2. Brilliant - must get searching for a few more troopers to get my unit done...

    Nice touch with the varied skin tones too.

  3. They look great - and should the motto now be "Half-Orcs Never Die"?

  4. Excellent looking regiment.
    Good to see the Half Orcs as they are one of the more unusual Regiments of Renown.
    I like the way you have painted them, the mix of flesh colours and tones are great. Great depth to the rest of the models as well, and a nice shade of red for the sheilds.

  5. Another great looking regiment! Very fun! Looking forward to seeing this army grow further!
