Saturday, October 26, 2019

Orktober 2019 I got the band together.

Just a quick one for this Orctober (Orktober). After more then 25 years I finally got the band together.  I originally bought these guys when they first came out (1991?) but unfortunately I got a little screwed as my pack was missing the fist pump guy but came with an extra guitarist (bassist?).

A couple year ago I manage to get a hold of the missing dude and this past weekend I painted him up in time to celebrate Orktober.

Sorry, no time for good pics, the phone camera will have to suffice for now.

Shame they never made a proper drummer for the band, but I'm sure I can rummage something up before next Orktober.

The past couple months have actually been pretty productive. I've finished off another unit of wolf riders, expanded my old unit of Goblin infantry from 30 to 42, finished a unit of armored elite Goblins, various terrain and about 10 or so Goblin heroes and what-nots.  I just don't have the time to properly take pics. Hopefully the middle of next month I can find some time.

For the next few months I'm putting the greenskins aside to work on my Border Princes mercenary army.  Since I've got the camera phone out here's sneak peak of what I'm working one.  I'm going for a generic celtic/gaelic look.
These are the Oathmark infantry with a few head swaps from various Fireforge plastics. The couple command figures are Galloglass by Antidiluvian miniatures I think.

Thanks for looking and have a happy and safe Halloween.

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